Anna Nansky
1968 (Isle-Adam)
Nansky discovered painting and drawing in her childhood thanks to the various materials her ather brought back to her from his printing factory. She copied the most famous painters according to her own technique. The home environment could seem very common and not out of the ordinary, was going toher unusual destiny. Suffering from tabus and hardships due to a devout /old fashioned way of life, her childhood was like a long confinement away from the appealing lights of the city.
She could only fight against her miserable daily life by appealing more and more to her imaginative resources, she then developed a deep “iner life” she was going to express mostly through drawing and painting.
“Confined to my bedroom, I used to kill time by watching the seasons passing from the window and my one and only concern was to wait for springtime and autumn to watch the blossoming colors of the fruit trees”
Once she passed her A levels, her heart briken by her father’s death, Anna Nansky left the family nest, never wanting to come back.
Despite travelling intensively, her expectations remained unsatisfied and her painting still similar to a blind man.
She had to wait for a first visit to New York to at last get something like the beginnings of an answer.
Her meeting with a famous arts agent was decisive. Thanks to him, she became and part of was supported by various artistic circles in New-York and Paris ;
In view of the growing scope of her work, and once she became known in the France,’s most famous auction houses “Drouot” and Drouot Montaigne“, Nansky began to win the confidence of the most famous artists and be accepted the select circle of arts agents, galleries and collectors.